
The Latest Battery Metals Articles from Streetwise Reports

Lithium Company Moves Closer to Production With Premium Processing Plant

Lithium exploration and development company Atlas Lithium Corp. (ATLX:NASDAQ) announces its modular dense media separation (DMS) lithium processing plant is ready for shipment from South Africa to Brazil. Read why one expert thinks the company is "centrally positioned for great success."

Lithium Developer Reports Significant Resource Breakthrough

Research Report
A newly updated mineral resource estimate (MRE) for the Baixa Grande project in Minas Gerais, Brazil supports Desjardins Analyst Frederic Tremblay's "constructive view" on Lithium Ionic Corp. (LTH:TSX.V; LTHCF:OTCQX; H3N:FSE)

Explorer Advances Strategic Lithium Asset in Brazil

Research Report
After increasing its total resource tonnage by 32%, the Baixa Grande project "is proving to be an attractive long-term production option" for Lithium Ionic Corp. (LTH:TSX.V; LTHCF:OTCQX; H3N:FSE), Canaccord Capital Markets Analyst Katie Lachapelle said in an updated research note.

Mining Startup Unlocks AI-Powered Copper Discoveries

This Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos-backed company is using artificial intelligence (AI) to help find the critical metals needed to power that are driving that AI revolution.

Mining Company Expands Premium Lithium Resource in Brazil

Research Report
Lithium Ionic Corp.'s (LTH:TSX.V; LTHCF:OTCQX; H3N:FSE) announcement of a 32% increase to its Baixa Grande resource combined with recent M&A activity next door implies a strong valuation for the deposit, a Stifel analyst notes.

Backhoes, Yellow Vests, and Tin Shacks

Contributed Opinion
Michael Ballanger of GGM Advisory Inc. shares his thoughts on the current state of the market and one stock he believes is the safest trade in the junior space going into year-end.

Co. Says Geoprobe Drilling Found 'Consistent' Lithium, Boron Concentrations

Canter Resources Corp. (CRC:CSE; CNRCF:OTC; 601:FRA) announces promising brine assay results from Phase II geoprobe drilling at its Columbus Lithium-Boron Project in Nevada. Read why one expert says the project has the potential to rival its neighbors.

Jr. Starts Drilling on BC Copper-Molybdenum Project

Interra Copper Corp. (IMCX:CSE; IMIMF:OTCQB; 3MX:FRA) announced it has started its Phase One drilling program at its RIP Copper Project in the Stikine region of British Columbia. One analyst says Interra's stock is "extremely undervalued."

Lithium Co. Hits Permitting Milestone for Brazil Lithium Project

Atlas Lithium Corp. (ATLX:NASDAQ) says a government agency in Brazil has issued a technical report recommending approval of the company's application for its Neves Project in the country's "Lithium Valley."

Acquisition Has Other Brazil Lithium Cos. Wondering Who's Next

In Brazil's emerging lithium sector, a US$370 million acquisition of a local company has other junior explorers the wondering if they could be next.

Co.'s Modular Lithium Plant Finalist in Sustainability Contest

Atlas Lithium Corp.'s (ATLX:NASDAQ) modular lithium processing plant design has been selected as a finalist in a contest being held by a nonprofit civil society organization in Brazil. Find out why one analyst targets gains on the stock.

Lithium Co. Gets New OTC Symbol, Quicker Electronic Trading

American Salars Lithium Inc. (USLI:CSE; USLIF:OTC; Z3P:FWB; A3E2NY:WKN) announces its common shares have started trading under the symbol USLIF on the Over the Counter (OTC) markets and now have DTC eligibility for quicker electronic trades. Find out why one expert says the stock is a Strong Buy.

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